I create decorative and functional tableware which offers a canvas to explore my illustrations and painterly patterns. I make one-off bespoke pieces that stand alone, but that can also nestle into existing collections due to the paired back colour schemes and traditional forms. Folklore and nostalgia from the British Isles, my Polish ancestry, and beyond inspire my making.
Interiors Tea Plates :
Three stoneware tea plates made with the mishima technique, the illustrations were scratched in with a potters needle, filled with blue underglaze and the excess scraped off with a metal kidney. The plates were then glazed in a clear glaze.<br />
Made using press moulds and hand-building techniques</p>
<p>Measuring 18cm in diameter and approx 3cm tall.
Candlestick holders :
Candlestick holders in a stoneware clay with a white slip wash and mishima technique (as described in Image 1). These were made using a press mould for the dish and a hand-built central tube.</p>
<p>Measuring 11cm diameter and 3cm tall.<br />
Polish Embroidery Tea Plate :
A stoneware tea plate that was based on a motif found in traditional Polish embroidery.<br />
The same mishima technique was used on a stoneware plate with a white slip wash.</p>
<p>Made with a press mould and hand-building techniques.</p>
<p>Measuring 18cm in diameter and approx 3.5cm tall.
Colour Cups :
Four stoneware cups in different colour-ways.</p>
<p>These cups were hand-built, painted with a white slip wash and then decorated with coloured slips.</p>
<p>Measuring 11cm high and 9cm wide.